A Note from Bob Ingham: We’ve Added New Digital Tools to Make Your Life Easier

At PetroClear we know managing and maintaining fueling operations isn’t exactly an activity limited to 9 to 5, Monday through Friday. The ability to obtain critical dispenser part information or request replacement parts as soon as they are needed — even if it’s at 6:30 p.m. on a Sunday — helps shorten turnaround times for deliveries, minimize dispenser downtime and improve the customer experience.

For that reason, I am pleased to announce that we have added two new mobile-friendly tools to our website that will make connecting with PetroClear or getting information about filters more convenient than ever. Whether you are on the forecourt performing maintenance or in the office updating filter inventory, access to filter assistance will always be available to you.

The PetroClear Chatbot Is Available to Field Inquiries 24-7
Earlier this year, we added a chatbot to the PetroClear homepage. The digital assistant will address questions related to PetroClear products, orders, pricing, tech support, filtration education and much more.

Check Filter and Dispenser Compatibility with New Tool
Not sure which PetroClear filters are compatible with specific dispenser models? Use our PetroClear filter selection tool to view the filters that are appropriate for your dispensing requirements. Find the new tool under the “Resources” tab of our website or at petroclear.com/FilterCompatibility.

If after using the new tools, you have feedback for ways we could improve them, please drop me a line at Robert.Ingham@champlabs.com.


Bob Ingham

PetroClear Business Development Manager