A Message From the Desk of Bob Ingham

Sign of the Times: When Traffic is a Welcome Sight
Words the average American never thinks they will say out loud: I’m pleased to see so much traffic on the roadways!
Nevertheless, from my point of view, it’s true because the increased traffic volumes are a sign that people are returning to the workplace and resuming their leisure activities. Data aligns with my observation. According to an article in Roads & Bridges, vehicle miles traveled (VMT) has returned to near pre-pandemic levels and even surpassed pre-COVID levels in 15 states. This uptick bodes well for all aspects of convenience retailing, which is seeing strong demand for fuel.
As throughput increases, however, it’s worth reminding fuel site operators and technicians to be cognizant of the rise in fuel consumption and to be prepared for the impact it will have on dispenser maintenance intervals. To help stations potentially reduce their dispenser filter maintenance expenses, PetroClear recently introduced a new line of extended life filters. Our 411 filters provide almost twice the filtration capacity of traditional 5-inch-tall dispenser filters. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you’d like to learn more about the 411 or any of our dispenser filtration solutions.
Last, but certainly not least, the PetroClear and First Brands teams want to send everyone best wishes for an enjoyable close to summer. We hope that these past few months have brought fun and rewarding times spent with family and friends to all of you.
Robert Ingham
PetroClear Sales Director